Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Time to End the Sweeping Rhetoric

We all know how great an orator President Obama is.

And I'm sure he'll kick off the signing ceremony today with some pretty sweeping rhetoric, including some stuff about how this has been 100 years in the making (Theodore Roosevelt initially introduced the idea about universal health care).

I think the time for all that is over. There's quite a bit of reform in this bill, including prescription drug savings for seniors, and we need Professor Obama to communicate all of those changes today. Americans will benefit greatly from this bill, even though it doesn't have a public option, and they need to know about exactly how.

We also need the Senate to pass the Reconciliation Bill, and hopefully the Senate Parliamentarian doesn't find anything to strike down the fixes provided in that. Otherwise, we'll see these past few days repeat itself this weekend, and we'll get a slightly lesser quality bill - the original Senate version - instead.

Anyway, President Obama: save the prose, give us the policy!

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