Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just when you think the world can't get any more stupid...

...I think we are running out of adjectives to describe the ignorance in the Republican party.

In the video, Representative Joe Barton, of Texas, questions Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Laureate, about where oil comes from (a question any 4th grader could easily answer). A stunned Chu tries to explain this without insulting the intelligence of everyone present (little did he know, there was no intelligent life present).

What is even more stunning - Barton assumes Chu's hesitation to carefully phrase his words as meaning he is somehow puzzled by the question (did I mention he is a Nobel Prize winner?). If people can get dumber than this, then just shoot me now, please.


Anonymous said...

If people can get dumber than this...Fellow members of Congress are dumber. See, e.g., Michele Bachmann (R-MN).

Satchal said...

You're right! Just shoot me...