Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Reform May Have Passed the House...

...but the work is not yet over.

The Reconciliation Bill still has to pass the Senate; otherwise this process will repeat itself starting this weekend.

Inexorably, the bill will move forward, but the revised Reconciliation Bill contains several improvements and liberal sweeteners that the original Senate Bill does not. In either event, swift passage is in most people's best interest.

Call or email your Senators (mainly, the Democratic ones) and remind them to vote yes on this bill.

For cynics who do not believe in this process, I direct you here.

By the way, don't buy any of the "repeal" drivel you're hearing from the GOP. It is an impossibility even if they achieve huge gains this November in both houses of Congress.

Now let the momentum for a public option and Title X begin!

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